
Hey there!

My name is Joep. I'm a Unity 3D focused game developer with over 10+ years of experience living in The Netherlands. My expertise ranges from creating 3D models & textures to developing games with C# in Unity 3D.

My toolset contains Unity 3D, C#, GIT, Blender (+API), 2D Software such as Photoshop/Krita and various other packages applicable for game development.

Over the years I have worked on various aspects of game development. From creating art and animations, development, qa testing, pipeline development and coaching of people on the job.

Spare Time

Next to being interested in anything technology, game development, cg art & animation, AI related, I consider myself a car enthusiast. I’m a member of a DIY repair & maintenance club which has a workshop where I work on my own car. I am not a mechanic by far but I like to learn about repairing vehicles, understanding mechanical technology and vehicle maintenance.

I also like to pick up and play the acoustic guitar from time to time and try to cook healthy every day.

Old Portfolio

Unfotunately I lost my old portfolio website. It is still partially available through (Although it is very slow).

It contains some more detailed info and images of my work back in the day.

If you are interested, a snapshot is available here:
